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[Dongseo University] Dongseo President Participates in “Thank You Essential Worker” Relay Campaign

조회 1,058

2021-06-17 00:00

Dongseo President Participates in “Thank You Essential Worker” Relay Campaign

Amidst the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world, there are many working tirelessly in Korea to protect their fellow citizens.
They include social workers, care workers, sanitation engineers, healthcare professionals, delivery people, and many more. Without their dedication, we could have faced a dire crisis.

While it is difficult to fully convey our gratitude to them for continuing to provide uninterrupted face-to-face services during the prolonged outbreak of the virus, in an effort to begin to do so DSU President Jekuk Chang joined the “Thank You Essential Worker” Relay Campaign on December 31 to express the DSU community’s gratitude and deepfelt appreciation for their dedication.

President Chang said, “I would like to express my infinite gratitude to all the essential workers for taking on their roles and for taking such great personal risks for their country and their people, who have done so even despite the beginning of the cold winter season. The DSU community will be forever in your debt for your tireless services.”
President Chang was nominated as a representative partici- pant for this campaign by Bae Gwang-hyo, Chairperson of the Busan Environmental Corporation, and then appointed by Kim Jong-cheon, Director of Gyurim Geriatics Hospital.