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2023 Summer Vacation Application Dormitory for International Students

조회 634

학생생활관 2023-05-18 11:33

담당자 연락처 051-320-2186

International students who wish to stay in dormitories must check the followings to avoid any disadvantages.

Application Website

-Dorm Application System

https://campus.dongseo.ac.kr/loadPage.do?jspPage=/sub/dorm/login or read the QR on the right   


  1. Dorm application

- Access to the dormitory application system → Fill out your Application form

- The Application Period: May 22 – 26, 2023

※ If you do not apply, you have to leave the dorm by June 28, 2023

※ If you want to keep your luggage at the dorm, please visit the guard’s office and fill out the form

Unable to apply for short-term residence in the dormitory due to personal reasons.

  1. Announcement of Successful Applicants

- Access to the dormitory support system → Check the result and the bill

- The Result Available: May 30, 2023


  1. Printout Bill and Payment

- Dorm fee: 440,000KRW

- Payment: Access to the dormitory support system → Printout the bill → Visit on-campus bank and pay (transfer the money at the bank)

- Period of printout bill and payment: May 31 – June 7, 2023 / 16:00

- How to print out the payment: ① Access to application system and print out or ② Visit the dorm office (Global Village East Wing 7th floor)

※ If you cannot pay in time, you cannot stay in the dorm during the vacation.


  1. Dormitory Move-in

- Stay period: June 22 – August 20, 2023

- You have to go to the guard’s room → check your payment and get your room allocated before you move-in


  1. Dorm fee refund

- Application of Leave: You must visit the dorm office (Global Village East Wing 7th floor) and fill in the application form



Refund Amount

Before move-in

Before June 21

Refund full amount

Leave during the vacation

June 22 – August 3

440,000KRW – [44,000KRW (10% deduction)] - [6,000KRW * length of stay by day)] = Refundable amount

August 4 –

No refund

Refund only available in bank account in Korea


  1. Prohibited Items

- The following items are not allowed in the dormitories due to fire hazards. If found, the items will be disposed.



Dangerous Items for fire

Refrigerators, Heating appliances (heating mats, heaters, etc.), Irons Gas, Thinner and etc.


Rice cookers, induction, microwaves, stoves, ovens, etc.

Other concerns or requests, please visit the guard’s office or contact below


- Dormitory office (Global Village 7th Floor) (Phone number: 051-320-2186)

- e-Mail: skylar7@gdsu.dongseo.ac.kr