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[Dongseo university] Students from Campus Asia Department Leave for Overseas Study at Ritsumeikan University

조회 439

2022-05-09 10:49

Dongseo University’s many study abroad programs, regretfully put on an extended hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, are beginning to open again. For one of the first, in the first semester of 2022, 15 students from the Japanese team of the Campus Asia Department left for Kansai International
Airport on April 20 to study at Ritsumeikan University in Japan.

Part of the Mobile Campus program, it is open to sophomore and junior students in the Campus Asia Department, and involves studying on the
campuses of Ritsumeikan University in Japan and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in China for two years. It is an educational program unique to the Campus Asia Department and jointly hosted by the Ministries of Education in Korea, Japan, and China, through which credits gained overseas are recognized for students’ domestic degrees.
For participating DSU students, DSU generously provides either full or half tuition support for four years, as well as full airfare support, isolation
compensation costs, and accommodation expenses.
Upon arrival at Kansai Airport, the 15 students went into quarantine and went through the required isolation period without a hitch; subsequently, they immediately started participating in classes conducted by local professors at Ritsumeikan University, together with Chinese and Japanese students
also participating in the program. In addition, during their stay they will experience local life by participating in various other exchange programs
open to them. Following are some impressions from two participating students
Lee Sae-hyeon, Campus Asia, Sophomore
An exciting new semester has begun. I thought I would have to give up studying abroad due to the pandemic, but I was finally able to come to Japan! In my freshman year, when I heard that I might not be able to study abroad, I was glad that at least I could still take Japanese and Chinese classes
online. However, I still really wanted to go to Japan and China to learn the culture and language myself. And, thanks to everyone not giving up hope
and to the great help of our professors, finally came the day when I was able to arrive in Japan safely! I am now experiencing firsthand the cultural
differences that I had previously only read about. I am really feeling the reward of studying hard while I was waiting to come. I don’t know what will
happen during the next semester, but I’m so excited to study in Japan, which I’ve been wanting to do for so long. I think it was very fortunate to be
able to meet the Japanese and Chinese participants who came to Korea last semester who encouraged me, and because of their warm support I want to spend my semester in Japan to the fullest.
Bae Jeong-han, Campus Asia, Junior
In my case, I had actually already studied at Ritsumeikan University in the second semester of 2019, when I was in a different department. I was excited about going again, but suddenly my plan was suspended due to the pandemic. So, I enlisted in the military, thinking that the pandemic would
subside by the time I was discharged. However, while it still had not by then, I decided to return to school. On April 6, the Japanese semester started,
and we took classes online. It was a pity that I was only able to virtually greet professors I had not seen in such a long time. I thought a lot about how good it would be good to go to Japan and take a class in front of the professors. So, just a few days later, I decided to enter the Campus Asia
Department to ensure I could do so. My professors were very happy when they found out. The thought of meeting them and my Japanese friends
again made my heart flutter. But I was still anxious until I got on the plane. I didn’t think the pandemic situation would get better, and I couldn’t
sleep well thinking about what to do if I caught the virus. Fortunately, myself and all of the friends I was traveling with tested negative for it, and were able to enter Japan safely.