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[Dongseo university] Departure for Study Abroad Program - USA

조회 601

2022-08-26 10:10

Departure for Study Abroad Program - USA
On August 22, 2022, 30 students participating in the US Study Abroad Program (SAP) departed for the US, arriving safely at Hope International University in California. Hope International University is a sister university of DSU. The students will be taught English by local professors until the second semester ends on December 19, and will participate in cultural experiences and various exchange programs with local students. They will also receive up to 16 credits towards their degrees for their 16 weeks of participation in the second semester.
Dongseo University operates the SAP so that students can acquire a sense of internationalization, with about 50 students studying abroad every year through SAP in the United States. In particular, DSU provides full scholarships which include students’ airfares and local education and dormitory expenses, so that students can study in the United States without financial burden and comfortably secure credits towards their degrees.
Students participating in the 2022 second semester SAP come from a wide variety of backgrounds and majors, this cohort including participants from the Global Business College, the College of Design, the College of Media Contents, the College of Software Convergence, the College of Bio-Health Convergence, the Im Kwon-taek College of Film and Arts, and the Department of International Studies. Jekuk Chang, president of DSU, said, “Even with the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, there was a great deal of competition to enter the SAP program this year, a program that provides so much more than mere language training. We nonetheless plan to continually upgrade it so that our students can be reborn as international talents through experiential projects with local leading companies and experts.”